Please act today for those in our care...


It is important for us to trust in God. It is also important to take the action we can to help those most in need. Right now, our kids are facing an unprecedented situation. Borders to Moldova are closing. No one will be allowed in or out until at least April. Gatherings have been banned, so we can’t take the kids anywhere or organise events.

We must take these developments very seriously. Our biggest concern is keeping food on the table for our kids. As I’m sure you’ve experienced for yourself, groceries are quickly disappearing from the shelves and we need to stock up soon.

Can you give a gift today to help ensure we have the supplies we need? I pray you will be as generous as you can in this time of great need.

Please continue to pray, and please give if you can. Any gift you can share will help us stock up on supplies and alleviate as much uncertainty as we can for the kids in our care.

With thanks,

Stella’s Voice

P.S. I urge you to give any gift you can today

P.P.S. We will keep you updated on the situation in the days and weeks ahead. God bless. 

Every gift, large or small, makes a difference.