Here are the main items that are urgently needed for the aid lorry that will head to Ukraine this December
Toiletries & Hygiene products
Mobile battery chargers
Christmas Gifts
Computers/mobile phones
or view/download a copy of our Christmas Appeal brochure here
Ukraine is about to face its 3rd winter since the start of the war. This is going to be their toughest winter yet as so much of their infrastructure (particularly their energy) has been targeted by Russia. The vulnerable, particularly the very young and very old, are facing the bleakest of conditions and without help some may not survive.
Power cuts occur daily with many areas only having power for around 2 hours a day.
During the summer months it has not been possible to keep food fresh with temperatures reaching (and sometimes exceeding) 36°c. Food has spoiled in the shops as the lack of power means there is no way to keep the food chilled.
As winter approaches and temperatures plummet (as cold as -20°c) the challenge changes from keeping food from spoiling to keeping warm and staying alive.
Thousands of children have been orphaned as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Children who now face an uncertain future.
One example is four siblings - the oldest 12, the youngest 5. Both of their parents were killed in the war. They had been living on the streets in Kharkiv for 3 weeks before they were found and taken to an orphanage.
Of all the requests for help we have received, despite the many needs and challenges,
the biggest need and top priority by far is for toiletries and hygiene products.
We have been asked: if there is a pallet of mobile chargers and a pallet of toiletries - to please send the toiletries. Below is a list of required items we are collecting.
Toiletries & Hygiene products: Shampoo, soap, body wash, deodorant, sanitary pads, nappies for babies, etc.
computers - Due to the war many children are not in school. Computers are needed so they can learn online.
Bicycles - A looming health crisis is reported as children are not going to school (especially in the active conflict zones) and spend all day, every day inside, not going out or getting any exercise. Bikes will enable some form of exercise for them.
Mobile battery chargers - The mobile phone is currently a lifeline in Ukraine. Air raid alerts are sent to phones. With no electricity most of the time, mobiles are how people get up to date information which is often critical to their safety
Battery operated lights - These will become vital as daylight hours shorten in winter. Being able to see just to get around a home or to a shelter is essential.
Christmas Gifts - Donated shoe boxes and/or funds to purchase gifts will help us bring festive cheer to children in the orphanages.
Computers/mobile phones - Computers have become essential for online learning as schools are closed (with many destroyed). Air warnings, for example, are sent to mobile phones to alert people to get to safety or how the word is spread telling people about temporary locations where food can be found.
We encourage individuals, schools, churches & clubs to join us in helping those war-torn Ukranians get through this winter.
The “Stella’s Voice 2024 Christmas” slip (available here) explains the steps to donating a Christmas Gift box and recording essential information. If this slip is missing from your leaflet you can print a replacement or get more information at stellasvoice.org.uk/christmas

Some people have only survived because of the help they have received. Things are about to get a lot tougher this winter! Your help now is needed even more.

At Stella’s Voice, our mission is to protect the world’s vulnerable from traffickers, and this Christmas, we need your help.

Now, imagine waking up here on Christmas morning.